Conference Proceedings (Peer Reviewed) and Abstracts
- Carmichael, T.R., C.R. Boyer, and S.L. Warren. 2012. Effect of irrigation frequency on Sedum grown in alternative substrates. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf.
- Brock, J., J.J. Griffin, and C.R. Boyer. 2012. Rooting stem cuttings of woody ornamentals in a cedar amended substrate. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. (In Press)
- Boyer, C.R., J.E. Altland, J.S. Owen, Jr. 2011. An extension outreach tool. HortScience 46(9):S377. Abstr.
- Starr, Z.W., C.R. Boyer, and J.J. Griffin. 2011. Propagation of chrysanthemum and ivy geranium in redcedar substrate. HortScience 46(9):S395. Abstr.
- Starr, Z.W., C.R. Boyer and J.J. Griffin. 2011. Alternative nursery substrates for the Great Plains: Maclura pomifera. HortScience 46(9):S326-S327. Abstr.
- Albano, J.P., J.S. Owen, Jr., J.E. Altland, T. Evans, S. Reed, and T. Yeager. 2010. Composted algae as an alternative substrate for horticultural crop production: Chemical and physical properties. HortScience 45:S164-S165 (Abstr.)
- Boyer, C.R., J.S. Owen, Jr. and J.E. Altland. 2010. Development of sustainable and alternative substrates for nursery container crops. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 55:410-412.
- Owen, J.S. Jr., H.M. Stoven, J.E. Altland, W.J. Pruett, J. Klick. 2010. Crop response to hybrid poplar alternative soilless substrate component for pacific northwest ornamental container production. HortScience 45:S110-S111 (Abstr.)
- Owen, J.S. Jr., M. Zazirska-Gabriel, D.M. Sullivan, J.E. Altland, and J.P. Albano. 2010. Water use and growth of two woody taxa produced in varying indigenous Douglas fir based soilless substrates. HortScience 45:S111 (Abstr.)
- Owen, J.S., Jr., S.A. White, W. Bauerle, J.P. Albano, P.C. Wilson, T. Yeager, T.E. Bilderback. 2010. Nursery production technologies for enhancing water quality protection and water conservation. USDA-NIFA National Water Conference Proceedings. Abstr.
- Starr, Z.W., C.R. Boyer, and J.J. Griffin. 2010. Growth of containerized Acer saccharinum from seed in a cedar-amended substrate. HortScience 45:3971. Abstr.
- Starr, Z.W., C.R. Boyer, and J.J. Griffin. 2010. Growth of containerized Taxodium distichum in a cedar-amended substrate. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 55:344-348.
- Boyer, C.R., T.V. Gallagher, C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2009. Availability of clean chip residual as a growth substrate in the Southeast United States. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 54:208-211.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, and T.E. Bilderback. 2009. A gravimetric approach to real-time monitoring of substrate wetness in container-grown nursery crops. Acta Hort. 819:317-324.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2009. Using a mineral aggregate to supply phosphorus and potassium for containerized crop production. Acta Hort. 819:311-316.
- Warren, S.L., T.E. Bilderback and J.S. Owen, Jr. 2009. Growing media for the nursery industry. Acta Hort. 819:143-155.
- Wright, R.D., B.E. Jackson, and M.C. Barnes. 2009. White pine as a pine tree substrate. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 54:221-223.
- Boyer, C.R., H.A. Torbert, C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, T.V. Gallagher, and J.L. Sibley. 2008. Physical properties and microbial activity in forest residual substrates. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 53:42-45.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2008. Growth of woody plants in clean chip residual substrate. Georgia Green Industry Assoc. Journal 19:18-22.
- Boyer, C.R., T.V. Gallagher, C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, H.A. Torbert, J.L. Sibley. 2008. Survey of forest residual availability for nursery production in the southeast. HortScience 43: 1126. Abstr.
- Jackson, B.E. and R.D. Wright. 2008. Changes in physical properties of a pine tree substrate in containers over time. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 58:93-98.
- Wright, R.D., B.E. Jackson, and M.C. Barnes. 2008. Pine tree substrate construction for optimal water holding capacity and air space. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 53:54-56.
- Jackson, B.E. and R.D. Wright. 2008. Nitrogen immobilization in a pine tree substrate during short-term crop production. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 53:51-53.
- Owen, Jr., J.S. and S.A White. 2008. Production practices for an environmentally friendly nursery industry. USDA/ANLA Technology Transfer Publication. Publication available via
- Owen, Jr., J.S., A. Prehn, S.L. Warren, and T.E. Bilderback. 2008. Comparing conventional to on-demand gravimetric based irrigation scheduling for containerized nursery crops. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 53:534-538.
- Stoven, H.M. and J.S. Owen, Jr. 2008. Comparison of substrate amendments for the adjustment of hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla (THUNB.) SER 'Bailmer', Endless Summer®) flower color. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 53:32-35.
- Zazirska, M., J.S. Owen, Jr., J.E. Altland and D. Sullivan. 2008. Continuous frozen columns for determining low tension moisture characteristic curves of soilless Substrates. SSSA Annual Meeting. Houston, TX. 663-114 (Abstr.) Available at:
- Zazirska, M., J.S. Owen, Jr., and J.E. Altland. 2008. Physical and hydraulic properties of Douglas fir bark affected by peat moss and pumice. HortScience. 43:1126-1127. (Abstr.)
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, J.L. Sibley, T.V. Gallagher, and H.A. Torbert. 2007. Performance of container-grown Loropetalum grown in clean chip residual substrate. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 57:685-691.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. Forest residuals: New substrates for container-grown crops. HortScience 42:861. Abstr.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, H.A. Torbert, T.V. Gallagher, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. Production of Buddleia davidii and Verbena canadensis in clean chip residual. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:489-491.
- Boyer, C.R., C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, T. V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. Clean chip residual amended with composted poultry litter as a substrate for Lantana camara. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:485-488.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, H.A. Torbert, T. V. Gallagher, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. WholeTree as a substrate for Lantana camara. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:481-484.
- Boyer, C.R., C.H. Gilliam, G.B. Fain, J.L. Sibley, H.A. Torbert, and T. V. Gallagher. 2007. Lime and micronutrient use in clean chip residual substrate amended with composted poultry litter or peat for use in annual production. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:77-80.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. Evaluation of clean chip residual and composted poultry litter as a growth substrate for container-grown Lantana camara. HortScience 42:454-455. Abstr.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2007. Clean chip residual (CCR) substrate for container-grown perennials: Effect of supplemental nitrogen rates. HortScience 42:439. Abstr.
- Fain, G.B., C.H. Gilliam, J.L. Sibley, and C.R. Boyer. 2007. Production of hardy garden mums in WholeTree substrate. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:498-501.
- Ingram, D.M., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, C.R. Boyer, P.M. Hudson, and K.K. Crouse. 2007. Comparison of organic and inorganic substrates in greenhouse tomato production. HortScience 42: 989. Abstr.
- Jackson, B.E. and R.D. Wright. 2007. Pine tree substrate: fertility requirements for nursery and greenhouse crops. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 57:680-684.
- Wright, R.D. and B.E. Jackson. 2007. Pine tree substrate: A promising alternative to peat moss and pine bark. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 57:632-635.
- Jackson, B.E. and R.D. Wright. 2007. Pine tree substrate: fertility requirements. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 52:58-61.
- Jackson, B.E., R.D. Wright, and J.O. James. 2007. Pine tree substrate: current status. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 52:53-57.
- Mielcarek, M., J.S. Owen, Jr., J.E. Altland, and M. Zazirska. 2007. Continuous columns for determining moisture characteristic curves of soilless substrates. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 52:538-542.
- Owen, J.S. Jr., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, D.L. Hesterberg, A. Prehn, J.P. Albano. 2007. Amendments that improve water retention. In: Water conservation practices in nursery crop production (Workshop). HortScience. 42:839-840 (Abstr.)
- Bilderback, T.E., S.L. Warren, J.S. Owen, Jr., and J.P. Albano. 2006. Environmental compatible nursery production. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 51.96-97.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2006. A new substrate for container-grown plants: Clean Chip Residual. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 56:553-559.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, H.A. Torbert, T.V. Gallagher, and J.L. Sibley. 2006. A new substrate for container-grown plants: Clean Chip Residual. 33rd Annual Hort. Field Day MSU CREC. 33:23. Abstr.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2006. Alternative substrates for bedding plants. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 51:22-25.
- Boyer, C.R., G.B. Fain, C.H. Gilliam, T.V. Gallagher, H.A. Torbert, and J.L. Sibley. 2006. Evaluation of freshly chipped pine tree substrate for container-grown Lantana camara. HortScience 41:1027. Abstr.
- Browder, J.F., J. Smithson, B.E. Jackson, and R.D. Wright. 2006. Pine chips: peat substrate ratios affect plant growth. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 51:98-99.
- Fain, G.B., C.H. Gilliam, J.L. Sibley, C.R. Boyer. 2006. Establishment of greenhouse-grown herbaceous ornamental plants in ‘WholeTree’ substrates. Proc. 4th Intl. Symp. on Seed, Transplant, and Stand Establishment of Horticultural Crops. 782:387-393. Abstr.
- Fain, G.B., C.H. Gilliam, J.L. Sibley and C.R. Boyer. 2006. Suitability of processed whole pine tree as a substrate component for production of greenhouse crops. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 56:180-187.
- Fain, G.B., C.H. Gilliam, J.L. Sibley, and C.R. Boyer. 2006. Evaluation of an alternative, sustainable substrate for use in greenhouse crops. Proc. Southern Nurs. Assoc. Res. Conf. 51:651-654.
- Jackson, B.E., J.F. Browder, and R.D. Wright. 2006. Comparison of nutrient requirements between pine chip and pine bark substrates. Comp. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 56:623-626.
- Jackson, B.E., J.F. Browder, and R.D. Wright. 2006. A comparison of nutrient requirements between pine chip and pine bark substrates. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 51:30-32.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2006. Beyond Skogholm cotoneaster: performance of hydrangea, azalea, juniper and spirea in a clay amended substrate. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 51:55-58
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, and T.E. Bilderback. 2004. Clay as a pine bark substrate amendment: Past, present and future. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc. 54:625-627.
- Owen, J.S. Jr., J.P. Albano, S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, D.C. Fare, S.J. Klaine, T. Whitwell, P.C. Wilson, T.H. Yeager, and C. Catanzaro. 2006. Environmental resource management for horticulture crop production, water quality protection, and water conservation. American Phytopathological Society. Phytopathology 96:S147. (Abstr.)
- Owen, J.S., Jr., S.L. Warren, T. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2006. Finding the balance: calcined clay rate effects in pine bark substrates. HortScience. 49:73-76. 2004. (Abstr.)
- Rau, B., B.E. Jackson, J.F. Browder, and R.D. Wright. 2006. Wood substrates derived from a variety of tree species affect plant growth. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 51:43-45.
- Saunders, T., J.F. Browder, B.E. Jackson, and R.D. Wright. 2006. Particle size of a pine chips substrate affects plant growth. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 51:46-48.
- Catanzora, C. T. Whitwell, J.P. Albano, D. Fare, J.S Owen, Jr., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and T. Yeager, P.C. Wilson, M.D. Taylor, S.A. White, R.F. Polomski, and S.J. Klaine. 2005. Environmental resource management systems for nurseries, greenhouses, and landscapes: 2005 update. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 50:564-566.
- Jackson, B.E., A.N. Wright, and J.L. Sibley. 2005. Effect of cotton gin compost and pine bark substrate blends on root growth of two horticulture crops. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 50:54-58.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2005. Reducing water and nutrient inputs to clay amended substrates: How low can we go? Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 50:99-102.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2005. Water and phosphorus efficiency in containerized crop production of Cotoneaster dammeri ‘Skogholm’ with an industrial mineral aggregate amended pine bark substrate. HortScience 40:1112. (Abstr.)
- Jackson, B.E., A.N. Wright, and J.L. Sibley. 2004. Cotton gin compost as a substrate component in container production of ornamental plants. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Research Conf. 49:67-69.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, T.E. Bilderback, and J.P. Albano. 2004. Finding the balance: Calcined clay rate effects in pine bark substrates. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 49:73-76.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, and T.E. Bilderback. 2003. Clay amended pine bark influences irrigation volume and water buffering capacity. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Res. Conf. 48:20-23.
- Owen, Jr., J.S., S.L. Warren, and T.E. Bilderback. 2003. Clay substrate amendment saves and pays. Proc. North Carolina Nursery Short Course 5:5-7. Available at: